Warehouse vs Marketplace vs Market Building Therefore, Inhabitants will be used to refer to number of Residents per Island, and Population will be used to refer to the worldwide number of Residents.

However, the Marketplace has an Inhabitants tab that only shows the Residents on the current Island, and the game always shows the worldwide number of Inhabitants under the Population tab (displayed above the map). These terms are used very inconsistently by the game, and can be found in many different descriptions and information tabs. The total number of Residents is referred to as Inhabitants or Population. There are 7 Civilisation levels, which are displayed in the Inhabitant overview page of each Marketplace in the following order (from bottom to top): Beggars Peasants Citizens Patricians Noblemen Nomads Envoys. The Civilisation level of Residents is determined by the level of the House they occupy. People that move into the houses of your Settlements are referred to as Residents. Residents vs Civilization level vs Inhabitants vs Population īuilding Houses and expanding your Settlements is one of the core mechanics of Anno1404.

In addition to the previous two terms, which are used by the Game, we also sometimes use the term Cities when talking about Settlements with many Inhabitants, as well as different terms for the combination of all Settlements of a player (i.e.

Settlements refer to any Island that has been settled by a (Computer) player. Island is often used to refer to the properties of an Island, like the Fertilities and Natural resources. Note that this does not include the Harbours of the Mentors. Islands refer to any Island that can be settled by the player. The games before "Anno 1404"/"Dawn of Discovery" used the AD year naming method for North American releases and the Anno naming method for European releases. There is also a "Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery" for the Nintendo DS which is based on the "Anno 1701" game In Europe this game is called "Anno 1404" for the PC, Wii, and DS while, in North America it is called "Dawn of Discovery" for the PC, Wii, and DS. Name of the game Anno 1404 vs Dawn of Discovery 5 Influence area vs Construction area vs Harbour area.